Tuesday, September 30, 2008
GFC Announces 2009 Adventure Racing Program
will be held from 9 to 15 May 2009
The 5th Réunion d’Aventures will be held from 9 to 15 May 2009. It has become a great
classic and an outstanding event in the world of adventure races.
its format is original:
- Three team-members who relay each other so that two of them are always in the race
out in nature while the third provides support.
- Three classifications: mixed, men and women.
- Compulsory rest between 6pm and 6am with a bivouac on the spot. The contestants
must plan to meet at 6pm in a place where resting is possible.
- An overall stay lasting one week for 6 days of competition.
- A variety of types of sea and mountain sports which make it a benchmark multisport
competition with an extremely varied series of legs.
- A sublime setting: Réunion, a diamond of natural beauty surrounded by the ocean.
According to their level, the teams may be classified into three different categories:
- “Extreme” for the best
- “Raiders” for the very well prepared contestants
- “Adventure” for the teams with some weak points or a bit of bad luck.
The types of sport on the short list for this 5th competition are: canyoning, walkingorienteering,
mountain bike, ride and run, sea kayak, etc. Details will be given at the end of
November after the definitive reconnaissance. What is already certain is that the contestants
will be going through the remotest parts of this magical island which remain mysterious
because of the extremely rugged features that make some of them impenetrable.
Registration is now open. The registration fee is unchanged at €600 excl. VAT. The number
of teams will be limited to 25 or 30 according to the possibilities that the chosen course will
offer. This limit is required because of the equipment necessary for the race and the
narrowness of certain crossing points. Réunion d’Aventures cannot be a mass competition.
From November on, the organisation will offer the teams a package covering the flight from
France, the support vehicle, the transfers and the accommodation. As always with GFC, the
budget will be very reasonable thanks to the participation of the partners of the event, led by
“Ile de la Réunion Tourisme”, the tourism development board of Réunion.
As in previous editions, Réunion d’Aventures will receive wide media coverage with daily
batches of images sent by satellite to French, European and international televisions and
websites, depending on the nationality of the teams taking part. The best cameramen and
photographers and journalists capable of intense physical input will be on the ground for this
great adventure through the heart of Réunion.
Réunion d’Aventures will henceforth be held every two years.
Oman Adventure will not be held in 2008
In spite of the numerous requests to register and despite the boundless enthusiasm of all the
participants, Oman Adventure is not programmed for December 2008.
GFC organised three editions of this gigantic bike and run race by stages in a fabulous natural
setting. The atmosphere was always very intense, the kind of excitement that leads to
outstanding feats that take us into a different world where time stands still. However, at this
time the conditions are not yet ripe to allow a fourth competition to be held in the Sultanate of
Oman in 2008.
The second Raid Canéo Nature from 27 July to 8 August 2009
The preparations for the second Raid Canéo Nature are already under way.
The holding of the first Raid Canéo Nature demonstrated the interest of its race concept. The
crossing of France without motorised sports, relying only on nature-sports equipment, makes
it without doubt the biggest new adventure in recent times. After Versailles-Marseille in 2008,
next year’s contestants will be crossing France from East to West. The reconnaissance of the
course will be starting very shortly and the types of sport on the programme will be
announced as soon as possible
The first edition was magnificent and heroic. 20 teams finished out of the 34 teams that
signed up, but almost everyone reached Marseille eventually, which was a real exploit in
In 2009, the principle of the three categories: Extreme, Raiders and Adventure, has been
kept, but with a greater difference between the itineraries. The Extreme contestants do
not want to see the level of difficulty reduced, but the other two categories would like
more time to recuperate. So the 2009 event will be less intense to allow a greater chance
for newcomers to the world of endurance adventure racing.
The Raid Canéo Nature obtained the best media coverage ever achieved in France with –
notably – a daily report on TF1 (the most popular TV channel). We can already say that the
2009 competition will satisfy even more than this year the innumerable fans of exciting and
exemplary human adventures in multisport competitions in a natural setting.
Registration is now open, limited to 40 teams, with the same registration fee as in 2008: €900
excl. VAT per team.
For further information:
Gérard Fusil Consultants
Thursday, July 24, 2008
Raid Caneo Nature Teams for 2008 adventure race
1 – EMSA – Raid’Epernon - Yoanna Gervais, Thierry Grizard, Emmanuel Charberet, Frédéric ClaresTwo engineers, a technical training instructor and a senior technician: top quality IQ in the air. But it is quite possible to be brainy while having one’s feet firmly on the ground, and this is certainly the impression that our four adventurers give. Thierry GRIZARD, an engineer with a keen interest in sailing, has taken part in numerous long-distance rallies since the beginning of the 21st century, including a recent TransMoroccan one with his alter-ego Emmanuel CHARBERET who prefers paddling to sailing. In contrast, the technical training instructor Yoanna GERVAIS recognises that her rally pedigree is a bit skimpy and is anxious about her lack of experience. A small handicap that her two engineer mates will make up for, as will Frédéric CLARES, also a former TransMoroccan competitor and a keen devourer of wide-open spaces.
2 - WILSA WCUP CHTI Raid - Carine Porret, Laurent Beauquey, Mickael Vignal, Yannick Wojtowski.Guys from the North and Pas d’Calais region, who are unbeatable according to the old song, always make up a solid contingent of the rallies of Gérard FUSIL who is also a native of “that place up there”. The first two are from Râches, Mickael VIGNAL and Yannick WOJTKOWSKI. Both shared the honor of crossing the finishing line first in the Réunion d’Aventures 2007. Champions in the “Discovery” category, they clocked up 214 kms in 4 days, 3 hours and 25 minutes. With them is another northerner, Laurent BEAUQUEY, French two-seater kayak champion in 1995, for whom the CanéO Nature will be his “first major long-distance rally”. Our trio of northerners are backed up by the engineer Carine PORRET, from Isère, whose experience includes an Oman Adventure 2005 and the Réunion d’Aventures 2007, so she’s no spring chicken when it comes to rallies …
3 – CELLUMAT - LEROUX - WILSA -Nadine Lacheré, Franck Buckman, Luc Andrivon, Brahim Bourrada.After these youngsters come the forty-something’s, northerners too. They include Luc ANDRIVON, another hero of the Réunion d’Aventures 2007, a competition that remains one of his best sport memories. With him is the teacher Brahim BOURRADA, a marathon runner who is also a keen climber, and Nadine LACHERE, who just adores running, cycling and every type of rally so long as she doesn’t have to run on an empty stomach. This quartet of forty-something’s – all completely new to this level of competition – is completed by Franck BUCKMAN, from Lille, very keen on scuba diving, orienteering races and mountain-biking. His first marathon was also top of the list of his bad memories: “When I crossed the finishing line I could hardly walk!”
4 – Soul of Tribe - Sandra Limouzin, Pierre-Etienne Léonard, Gauthier Bancarel, Thibault Banon-SelvesPierre-Etienne LEONARD, an all-round sportsman of a high level, took part in the Réunion d’Aventures 2004 which was completely deluged from beginning to end in torrential rain. But that did not stop him from finishing in 4th place in the “Adventure” category, an exploit all the more remarkable as half of the teams had been forced out of the race. This keen lover of Gérard Fusil’s rallies is back with two physical education teachers, Sandra LIMOUZIN who cherishes an excellent memory of the New Caledonia rally (3rd place) and a terrible one in Argentina (she had to pull out early on), while Gauthier BANCAREL has just gobbled up rallies (but not Brussels sprouts) since he turned 18. Thibault BANONSELVES completes the quartet animated by a tribal spirit as its name indicates.
5 – Vaucluse Aventures Evasions - Vincent Bouchut, Jean-Michel Cateau, Josiane Séguier, Frédéric FabreTwo Vauclusiens plus two Varois equal four athletes adept in nature sports, all keen on mountain biking, two good at running and three in orienteering, which is just as well in the circumstances. Vincent BOUCHUT and Jean-Michel CATEAU had a foretaste of what’s in store at the Réunion d’Aventures 2005 where they won in the “Adventure” category. Both of them, as well as Josiane SEGUIER, have competed in a hundred rallies in France as well as in international competitions. Frédéric FABRE would like to get out and away as often as his team-mates if only he had the time. But he’s in the noble and demanding profession of wine-growing, which keeps him home a lot… Versailles > Marseille
6 - ABSOLUE RAID - Décathlon Saint-Orens - Aline Labourdère, Adrien Séguret, Bruno Bareilles, Eric Maire.Adrien SEGURET, a physics lab technician from Toulouse, enjoys outdoor sports and mountain biking as does the teacher Philippe LACHAUMETTE who has taken part in dozens of regional rallies and knows all the tracks, torrents and thalwegs of the South-West. Not forgetting caves, as a good native of Lourdes. In contrast, Aline LABOURDERE, from Beaucens and Eric MAIRE, from Colomiers, both of them great runners as well, have a real preference for horse riding. Our four Pyrenean natives look pretty well qualified to take on the challenge of the Raid CanéO Nature. With two reservations, one for Adrien SEGURET whose best sporting memory is a cycling race that he won close to home and among friends, and the other for Eric MAIRE who is not looking forward to the lack of sleep during the long competition. The Raid CanéO Nature does not go by Toulouse and it lasts ten days.
7 – Lys Aventure - Hélène Compignie, Nicolas Mitton, Arnaud Degand, Laurent NicolloHélène was born in Béthune and Mathilde in Saint-Omer, which will not displease the sponsor of the Raid CanéO Nature. The best memory of the COMPIGNIE sisters was the first rally in which they both competed in 2006. Since then, they have continued to run together all over the North of France. Arnaud DEGAND, also a native of Pas-de-Calais, joins them to try to notch up a new rally on his wall of trophies. An ambition shared by Laurent NICOLLO, a forty-something from Auvergne and a specialist in mountain races. Perfectly normal for someone who lives in the Massif Central!
8 – Sport nature – Ville-la-Grand -Caroline Finance, Fred Fleck, Nicolas Bouchardon, Marc Paturel,The TNRMA, for those still don’t know what it is, is not a military regiment but the Trophée National des Raids Multi Activités. The trophy winners in 2007, for those who may have forgotten, were Messrs Nicolas BOUCHARDON, Marc PATUREL and Fred FLECK. Joking aside, this trio who live very far from each other come together often for top level competitions in France. And they often climb up on the podiums. The Alsatian Caroline FINANCE who joins them today will have no problem keeping up with them thanks to her experience of rallies in Spain, Morocco and Australia. And she picked up a bronze medal down under at the world mountain biking-orienteering relay championships.
9 – Columbia Lozère Sport Nature - Christine Cornez, Benjamin Monier, Yannick Pierrat, Laurent Galtier.The teacher Laetitia PROUHEZE is more than familiar with all the ski slopes and running tracks of her native Lozère. Her two top passions are cross-country skiing and running. Two other natives of Lozère will be accompanying her for the first Raid CanéO Nature, Laurent GALTIER, a great fan of mountain biking and rugby, and Benjamin MONIER who has distinguished himself in several French rallies. His track record is almost identical to that of Yannick PIERRAT, a Jurassien who completes this plucky foursome who are all taking part in a nature sports competition of this level for the first time.
10 - Flying Avent’Hure Palfinger -Vanessa Frappier, Julien Frappier, Olivier Choteau, Thierry Bellivier.She loves the effort she puts into sports, and chocolate also. He loves nature. And they love each other (the proof, they’re married): this couple from Deux-Sèvres are sure to love the Raid CanéO Nature. Vanessa and Julien FRAPPIER, both teachers and keen competitors in regional rallies, are joined by Olivier CHOTEAU a colleague who, to quote Churchill, enjoys “blood, sweat and tears” and, to quote Beaudelaire, rejects whatever is “luxury, calm and voluptuousness”. The fourth member of the team is the marathon runner Thierry BELLIVIER who drops a little quote from Sacher Masoch: “Beyond a certain level, pain becomes pleasure”! The Raid CanéO Nature – whose international dimension all four will be discovering – is sure to fulfil their deepest wishes…
11 - OAHU - Christine Lamouche, Hervé Lamouche, Patrick Lamarre, Stéphane Bernier.Loving means running together in the same direction, Saint-Exupéry might have commented if he’d known the LAMOUCHE couple because Christine, a teacher and Hervé, a film director, won a national mixed trophy in 2006. But their other best memories hardly coincide: for her it is a rally in the Czech Republic, and for him the climbing of Aconcagua. They will have with them another teacher, Stéphane BERNIER, a specialist in cyclo cross and mountain biking as well as a fourth team-member, Patrick LAMARRE who, as well as being an avid DIY fan, (“my McGyver side”) is Versailles > Marseille a helicopter pilot with the gendarmerie. Back on the ground, he had a little accident that sent his car rolling over at more than 40 km/h. Laconic comment of the gendarme: “There was some damage”.
12 – ABS – Aventure Féminine - Karine Dugrand, Claire Pinatel, Karine Bouchot, Viviane Rognant.This team is completely female and three quarters of them come from Toulouse. Two Karines, both physical education teachers, paid the price of a knee (Karine DUGRAND) and an ankle (Karine BOUCHOT) to build up a fine record in the field of nature sports. Viviane ROGNANT will be contributing her precious cycling, mountain biking and rollerblade experience. As for Claire PINATEL, who once took part in a race in France dressed as a Michelin Man, she will be the riding expert of this quartet managed by Karine DUGRAND who has chosen for assistants Colette DUGRAND and Jean- Louis DUGRAND. A nice little family-run business that intends to carve out some market share during the Raid CanéO Nature.
13 – Intersport Liège - Laurent Mignon, Jean-Philippe Degey, Hedwige Tilkin, Michel TilkinIt’s a pleasure to meet again our friends from Liège on this Raid CanéO Nature. The Belgian team looks extremely well qualified in terms of the range of sports practised by each of its members. Laurent MIGNON has clocked up impressive performances on marathons in the Northern fogs and can’t forget one race in which he “forgot” his long-standing friend and team mate. Jean-Philippe DEGEY has a very similar profile with a lot of time devoted to biathlon and triathlon events. As for Hedwige and Michel TILKIN, they have done Croatia, Chamonix and the Jura together. So Belgium is fielding at least one strong team for the competition.
14 – Cap Opale - Nathalie Bourillon, Julien Charlemagne, Patrice Kergosien, Patrice Libert.Nathalie BOURILLON excels particularly in mountain climbing, with a world cup gold medal as her top achievement, as well as three Raids Gauloises and several international races. And two Réunion d’Aventures, including the Homeric one in 2005 when her team arrived in first place, and the dramatic one in 2007, where she finished outside the classification following the injury of a team mate. CHARLEMAGNE was also in that same Réunion d’Aventures 2007 where he came in third in the “Adventure” category. With the two Patrices – KERGOSIEN and LIBERT – who have very similar profiles to the two others, this team looks very promising for the CanéO Nature
15 – Nat’s-Colla del Matí – Bombers de Lleida -Miguel-Angel Calvo-Oechsle, Franco Javier Rodríguez-Verdès, Gemma Navarro-Najar, Jordi Mas-DedeuA fireman, a policeman, a physics lab assistant and a teacher: but more important than the professions of our four athletes is the fact that they all come from Spain, two from Barcelona and two from Lleida. All four know each other well after years of competing on the same tracks. Gemma NAVARRO NAJAR, a teacher, and her husband Jordi MAS DEDEU have clocked up hundreds of kilometers on races in their native Catalonia, Spain and Portugal. Add in to this wealth of experience a Colombian rally in the Andes for Miguel Angel CALVO OECHSLE and Franco Javier RODRÍGUEZ VERDÈS. We guess that they won’t feel too homesick competing among their French neighbours provided that the weather holds up and includes plenty of sunshine.
16 – Lattitude 55 - Dominique Garcia, Marie-Claude Christ, Emmanuel Elalouf, Georges Cauchois.GARCIA, CAUCHOIS, ELALOUF: this trio has given every proof of fidelity over recent years. Dominique GARCIA, from Montpellier, and Georges CAUCHOIS, from Ste Geneviève des Bois, have often put in brilliant joint performances on the Raid Gauloises, Elf Authentique Aventure, Réunion d’Aventures and Oman Adventure, all races with the stamp of Gérard FUSIL on them. They are joined by another faithful team member, Emmanuel ELALOUF, a real fan of the Oman Adventure in which he competed in one team and sponsored another team! These three hardy campaigners are accompanied today by a newcomer who is no novice, Marie-Claude CHRIST, who already has built up a solid record as a triathlete and will fit into the team with ease.
17 – Fun Events - Catherine Gance, Lionel Boimard, David Louaze, Yann Lahellec.These four musketeers have two points in common: they are all from Cergy, a noble town on the outskirts of Paris, and they are all very keen on nature sports. With a few nuances, of course. Lionel BOIMARD, after twenty-five years of judo, has put aside his black belt to indulge a real passion for green races, while Catherine GANCE was a recent contestant in the world triathlon championships. David LOUAZE has a keen interest in orienteering races which he shares with Yann LAHELLEC. This very balanced combination of talents will be forged even closer together by the exploits demanded of them in the Raid CanéO Nature in August. 18 – 7 Lieues aventures Katell Corne, Pierre Gagnière, Cyril Ennequin, Jean-Luc Petithomme.With five classic Raids Gauloises, three Corsica rallies and two “Hannibals”, Pierre GAGNIERE is certainly no greenhorn in the small world of international rallies. Nor is his pal Cyril ENNEQUIN, who wore out a few pairs of trainers on the route between Niger and Mauritania. As for the architect Jean-Luc PETITHOMME (three Gauloises so far), he has already collected fractures and other painful memories right (ankle and kneecap) and left (hand and knee). The tree hardy annuals are joined by the triathlete Katell CORNE who is known for her legendary good humour. Katell, who adores a bit of fun, cannot stand whiners who complain. All set, gentlemen?
19 – Vesalis - Alice Caplier, Catherine Orsi, Régime Lemaitre, Serge Pesanti.Three women and one man, all from Isère and so no strangers to mountain heights. But their main achievements so far have been in mountain biking. Alice CAPLIER and Catherine ORSI have also built up a solid track record in orienteering races while Régine LEMAITRE and Serge PESENTI, although well experienced in these disciplines, have a clear preference for cross-country skiing which is unfortunately not on the programme of the present Raid CanéO Nature. Until the next Raid is held in the snow of winter, our four Alpine athletes will have to give their full attention to the no less demanding disciplines of horse riding, kayaking, caving, hiking and abseiling in different natural settings between Paris and Marseille.
20 - IMI Groupe -Eddie Berthurel, Laurent Descarpentries, Anne-Lise Rocher, Jérémy BaronYet another survivor from the deluge of 2004. In Reunion, Eddy BERTHUREL, despite the calamitous weather, managed to lead his team in the “Extreme” category right to the end. Or just about. A marker that he missed pushed them out of the classification. Our friendly gendarme took his revenge three years later in Oman where he finished a very decent fifth and in the “Extreme” category! He’s back with a Vendéen, Laurent DESCARPENTRIES, a champion in Polynesian dug-out canoes (!), Anne GARCIA, a Bigorroise, who adores mountaineering and a Parisian, Jérémy BARON whose combined talents in running, mountain biking, climbing and orienteering makes him a very all-round team-mate to have.
21 – Issy Aventure - Grany = Amélie Laurendon, Bruno Girard, Didier Iket, Pierre OuagneThe Oman Adventure 2007 remains for the two Ecole Normale graduates Bruno GIRARD and Didier IKET the highlight of their sports career. Firstly, because they only met two days before the race started; secondly, because on the eve of the start their derailleur gear, already repaired twice, broke once more; thirdly, because after an extraordinary struggle with the leading competitors throughout the race they fished first in the last stage and second in the overall classification. With them this time is the engineer Pierre OUAGNE who has chalked up a solid number of national rallies including in the Czech Republic and Croatia, and Amélie LAURENDON, who has an impressive array of titles and medals in the many disciplines that she practices. They head off for Versailles with the hope of doing as well as or even better than last year in Oman…
22 - Sport-outdoor.com - Sybille Galindo, Cyril Gautier, Thierry Galindo, Xavier Bloem.Thierry GALINDO admits it: his principal virtue as well as his worst defect is that he is stubborn! And when Thierry is stubborn enough to keep going right to the end, it usually pays off. As it did at the last Oman Adventure which he won with flying colours although he was taking part for the first time in this type of long bike and run race Nature will also be a new experience for him, one that he’ll be sharing with his wife Sybille GALIN DO. Sybille, a gym teacher with plenty of experience in rallies and mountain biking races, comes from Isère and is a passionate devotee of mountain climbing and keeps a precious memory of her ascent of the Ecrins: she won her first 4,000 metres race at age 12. The same passion is shared by Xavier BLOEM, a triathlete who went even higher than her, all the way up Mont Blanc. The last member of the team, Cyril GAUTIER, was content to climb the Isoard. But in purely sporting terms, this gym teacher has already reached the summit: he is a national technical advisor for the triathlon discipline.
23 – The Fous de Bassin TDR BX - Karine Sanson, Pascal Mouchargue, Hubert Le Guen, Patrice DugornayWithout music, as Nietzsche once wrote, life would be a mistake. The life of Karine SANSON is far from being one since she teaches music. And when she is asked which foreign language she knows she replies: music. The young lady from Bordeaux has also had time to become a racing champion and completed her first Réunion d’Aventures in 2007 in 7th place in the “Adventure” category. This happy memory she shares with her pal Pascal MOUCHARGUE who came in a brilliant second in the Oman Adventure 2006, just a nose ahead of his other pals Hubert LE GUEN and Patrice DUGORNAY. All of them, before the Oman Adventure and the Réunion d’Aventures, had used up pairs of trainers on the Raids Gauloises. So, when it comes to nature sports, these four really know the ins and outs.
24 – Sofermi - Raid Nature 46 - Lucie Marion, Jean-Marc Marion, Laurent Lestarquit, Charles LoubsensWe have known the CAUCHOIS father and son (who promised us a father, son and grandson trio). In the meantime, here is another unusual couple: MARION, father and daughter. Jean-Marc, a company manager, is a keen fan of mountain biking and skiing. As is his daughter Lucie, who shares his grit and staying power and who will be tackling here her first big competition at international level. Accompanying them are two guys from Toulouse, Laurent ESTARQUIT and Charles LOUBSENS, longstanding fellow team-mates of Jean-Marc, the father. It looks like these four will not have to waste much time on making each other’s acquaintance as they line up at the start of the Raid.
25 – Les Mureaux –Défis Sports Aventures -Patricia Ugolini, Nicolas Ugolini, Dominique Grégoire, Pascal GilletMonsieur and Madame UGOLINI share – among other things – a passion for adventure nature sports. They have been together on the climbing of Mont Blanc, on the Réunion d’Aventures and closer to home on the Raid 28 which took them through Eure-et-Loire. Raid 28 is also the common denominator of this team, which includes two teachers, Dominique GREGOIRE, also a fan of Mont Blanc and Pascal GILLET, the doyen with a great future ahead of him. These four team-mates from the Paris region are gearing up for the Raid CanéO Nature, a competition quite different from what they have experienced so far.
26 – Valmo Raid Pink team - Décathlon Sequedin - Heidy Leroy, Maxime Leroy, Thomas Bartos, Axel RicquebourgTwo of them are from Lille, one from Villeneuve d’Ascq (not far away) and one from Perenchies (fairly near). These Northerners, Maxime and Heidy LEROY, Thomas BARTOS and Axel RICQUEBOURG, have worn out trainers in many local races such as the Raid des Bassins miniers and the Défi des Terrils. They share a fond memory of losing their trainers in the mud at Le Touquet, at night, with the canoe upside down and all of them up to their ears in mud! But Le Touquet, a total nightmare for the LEROY couple, happens to be the very best memory of Axel RICQUEBOURG, who emerged from it in a blaze of glory. This time they are wondering how the cookie will crumble when the tests get tough.
27 – Bayer - Vet Adventure Team -Fanny Hureau, Charly Pignon, Ludovic Simon, Marc Le Petit.Everything got off to a bad start! On rollers, Charly PIGNON is a champion. However, he got tangled with his team-mate, less of a champion than him, and both fell heavily on the tar just a few minutes into the Réunion d’Aventures 2007. Charly had the tip of his nose torn off and an arm badly cut but still managed to finish 4th in the “Discovery” category. A veterinary student like him, Ludovic SIMON was his team-mate in Reunion. Two other apprentice vets will be joining them for the Raid CanéO Nature, Fanny HUREAU and Marc LE PETIT, both experienced rally contestants and riders. Note: while vets are known for having fun in their free time, out on the terrain they take their work very seriously indeed…
28 – Raid Nature 09 -Elodie Castex, Frédéric Lille, Stéphane Maurel, Bruno TauzietBruno TAUZIET, a gendarme and native of Montpellier, enjoys the wide open air and the fun of strenuous sport and admits that his one small defect is that he hates losing. But he reports a mitigating circumstance: “There are plenty worse than me”! Absolutely, Bruno, so true... This rugby fan who also practices running, swimming and mountain biking has acquired lots of experience on events as far apart as the Philippines and the Elf Authentique Aventure. That is where he met up with another contestant in international races, Frédéric LILLE, from Ariège, whose twin passions are mountain biking and sea / river kayaking. And kayaking just happens to be the favourite sport of Stéphane MAUREL. Elodie CASTEX completes this team of Southerners. The Raid CanéO Nature will be a big first for her this year.
9 – Wilsa Sport Helly Hansen - Karine Baillet, Sébastien Sxay, Marcel Hagener, Franck SalguesThe team of Karine BAILLET was one of the last to sign up for the Raid CanéO Nature. Last but not least. Karine BAILLET is one of the best if not the very best world specialist in adventure nature sports. Perfectly at ease in all the disciplines, over thirteen years she has won all the titles going, on all the continents, in every latitude. First in the Réunion d’Aventures 2003 and 2004, first in the Oman Adventure 2005 and 2006, she now takes on the CanéO Nature with three athletes new to the competitions of Gérard Fusil. New but in no way novices in terms of rallies: Sébastien SXAY, from Grenoble, the New-Zealander Marcel HAGENER and SALGUES, from Marseille, have each taken part in international competitions for many years. So the team captained by Karine has all the right experience to help her towards a new victory.
30 – Marine Nationale – Lattitude 55 - Laurence Maurin, Gilles Guellenoc, Claude Blot, Philippe KerbaolWhen we heard at the end of the Oman Adventure 2006 that Laurence and Gilles were never going to run together again, the aftershock was tremendous. The duo formed by these two Navy champions, Laurence MAURIN and Gilles GUELLENOC, had become, over the years, a living legend in the Gérard FUSIL competitions. To her credit: seven Gauloises, two Réunion d’Aventures, two Oman Adventures and other laurels won all over the world. His track record includes three Réunion d’Aventures and three Oman Adventure plus all the rest. And they were splitting up? Whew, they’re back together! Along with Frédeéric CANTIN, who won 32 raids on a hundred competed, between Annapurna and Equator. The fourth, Philippe KERBAOL, is a newcomer but no novice either: two ascents of Mont Blanc, eleven out of nineteen rallies won, plus some titles as champion of Brittany in biathlon and triathlon. As a track record, we’ve seen worse.
31 - Team SPORT 2000 - LAFUMA - VIBRAM - Magali Moreau, Anthony Rabeau, Marc Balaskovi, Raphaël Leloup.Anthony rhymes with Magali as RABEAU rhymes with MOREAU and both happen to be gym teachers. But these two share more than that, as they both competed together in the Oman Adventure 2006 for the first time and achieved a magnificent performance by coming in 5th in the “Extreme” category in the overall classification! Their third team-mate is another outstanding veteran of the Raid Gauloises, Marc BALASKOVIC, who competed in them all, from 1989 to 2003, and reaching five podiums for his pains! And he can no longer remember how many rallies he has taken part in on the five continents. This should impress (or reassure?) Guillaume DEMANGEON who competed in Canada in the World Raids Chmpionship.
32 – Pic Saint-Loup Aventure - Patricia Bonneau, Christine Endel-Potriquet, Éric Potriquet, Mickael Poiret.In September 2003, the team of Patricia BONNEAU was placed first in the “Adventure” category of the first Réunion d’Aventures. In May of the following year, the team of Eric POTRIQUET was less lucky: beaten by the calamitous weather, they finished incomplete and so were unclassified. Both have accumulated a lot of international experience (Raids Gauloises) which they share with Michael POIRET, who took part in two of these rallies. So they will be taking good care of their fourth team-mate, Christine ENDEL-POTRIQUET. Eric’s little sister is interested in many different sports but her top favourite discipline is tennis, in which she won the title of amateur French champion. Alas, as we go to press, the Raid CanéO Nature is not programmed to go through Roland Garros…
33 – Petit Casino - Claire Lagache, Frédéric Cosson, Wilfrid Grossoeuvre, Jean-François Valleix.This foursome from Normandy, Lyon, Isère and Brittany represent the four corners of the Hexagon, or nearly, and they all share the same passion for adventure nature sports. Claire LAGACHE is keenest on horse riding and, since she is from Saint-Lô, we are not surprised to hear that she took part in the “Tour du Mont Saint Michel” rally, though it is true that she was slower than the treacherous tide there. Frédéric COSSON has already competed in six regional rallies and practices rock-climbing like his neighbour from Voreppe, the highlander Wilfrid GROSSOEUVRE. Completing the team is Jean-François VALLEIX.
34 – Made Agencement – Lattitude 55 - Pierre Diaz, Léonie Cartier, Frédéric Caillat, Nicolas Larroque-LoumietThree physiotherapists (for body cramps) and one teacher for special needs (for internal problems): this team is also three quarters masculine and three quarters native of Reunion, but four quarters nature sport fans. Pierre DIAZ, a physiotherapist in Reunion, Nicolas LARROQUE-LOUMIET, a physiotherapist in Pau and Frédéric CAILLAT, a teacher for special needs in Reunion, were on the same team for the Réunion d’Aventures 2005 which ended with them winning 3rd place in the “Adventure” category. Pierre DIAZ did even better: 2nd in the “Adventure” category in 2007. Can anyone do better than him? Léonie CARTIER, a physiotherapist in Reunion. She came 5th in the “Adventure” category during the nightmarish Réunion d’Aventures 2004, was 4th in 2005 and 1st in 2007! On top of that, she got close in the “Extreme” category on the Oman Adventure 2005. Not bad, eh?
35 – Team Adrenaline Aventure - Pamela Quebre, Aurore Gomez, Florine Laquerbe, Ludivine EspiPamela, Aurore, Charline and Ludivine are young and single from the Mediterranean and make up the second female team of the Raid CanéO Nature. The experience they bring to the rally is somewhat slim but their morale is second to none. The most experienced of the four is obviously Pamela QUEBRE who has already taken part in ten regional rallies and one particular riding competition that came badly unstuck: in the same fall, she and her horse broke a shin! Charline RIVIERE, like her, is lifeguard and also a good rider. Aurore GOMEZ is a top performer in badminton and Ludivine ESPI has run in two rallies. A bit slight, their track record? Maybe. But the important thing is surely to keep hope in the future, the kind of faith that can move mountains. And upset the forecasts.
36 – DENIV’ - Emilie Scribot, Olivier Decamps, Daniel Juin, Olivier Marty.Emilie SCRIBOT and Olivier DECAMPS were team-mates on the last Réunion d’Aventures. These two authentic tennis champions had set as their goal to finish in the toughest category, “Extreme”. They pulled off the challenge and were placed 5th in the overall classification. They will be joined for this new exploit by two other top level team mates: Olivier MARTY who took part in the world cup for canoe kayak in the USA and Daniel JUIN, a former French champion in team triathlon. Needless to say, the quartets are keen to realise their ambition to repeat the exploit of the Réunion d’Aventures on the Raid CanéO Nature.
37 – Helly Hansen UK - Sharp Ski, Nicola MacLeod, Mark Humphrey, Howard LoweAdmirable, impressive, formidable… All these compliments and many others could be used to hail this British team with its long and distinguished track record. Sharp SKI, 3rd in the Oman Adventure 2005, has run all over the world from Quebec to Croatia, from Brazil to Australia, from Canada to Tibet, and from the Hebrides to Newfoundland. And the doctor Nicola MACLEOD? Ditto, or even more. In the recent past, for example, thirteen international rallies and six of them won! And Mark HUMPHREY alongside his team-mate Howard LOWE are not far behind with a mass of titles and experience that would make others go green with envy. We will certainly have to consider them as among the favourites on the Raid CanéO Nature.
Saturday, July 19, 2008
Raid Caneo Nature Course Revealed
A number of diagrams have been supplied for the horse riding on the first stage and also on the canyoning and caving sections. Many of the sections have minimum times set to avoid tiring out the horses and also to reduce the chance of accidents involving competitors.
Support crews have also been issued with a road book to enable them to reach the various transition area along the route to the coast.
The issuing of the route a week in advance of the start is a departure from the norm for Gerard Fusil, normally teams have a scant few hours to prepare their navigation and support teams spend much time drawing out the routes on later stages.
David Ogden
International Adventurers
Tuesday, July 15, 2008
Raid Caneo Nature
The competitors for this first Adventure race across France will soon be gathering in Paris and hopefully the summer rain will have abated by the time competitors line up at the start on 27 th July.>
Friday, July 11, 2008
Raid Caneo nature
The race from Paris to Marselles promised to be long and hard, with 5 stops to regroup along the way and one section which teams will cover in their support vehicles. The prize giving has been brought forward to the 9th August/
Saturday, July 05, 2008
Raid Caneo Nature
The Raid Canéo Nature, great raid in autonomy, will take place in the middle of the summer, between July 28 to August 8, between the Tour de France and the Olympic Games, and should impassion France which turns each year more to these practices, since the recent statistics reveal that more than 20 million French became followers of the nature sports.
The phenomenon was mondialisé besides since the first Raid Galloises created, like the Raid CanéO Nature, by Gerard Fusil. As of this first edition, the French are joined by teams coming from Belgium, England and Spain. The participation in such a test is very committed because, in addition to the variety of knowledge and techniques which the competitors must control, the race proceeds in autonomy. In certain points accessible from the course, two assistants can join the four sportsmen during the changes of activity. They provide them the essential equipment and food, without the stop watch ceasing turning. Actually, over the eleven days of race, the stop watch stops only five times,to regroup with the last competitors can joining the leaders.
The competitors are from 20 to 58 years old. They all are impassioned of sport but also of nature of which they are burning defenders. They prepare with the Raid CanéO Nature since the heart of the winter and intend to go at the end of their passion.
The Raid CanéO Nature will be followed by photographers of quality and a high level production line team which will forward each evening, of July 28 to August 8, of the free images of rights to the various European diffusers. The “cover” of the event will stick to the sporting and spectacular aspects of the test but also to the stories lived by these somewhat insane adventurers, to the beauty and the importance of the environmental and historical inheritance of France.
Thursday, July 03, 2008
Thursday, May 15, 2008
Raid Caneo Nature May Newsletter
Dear competitors
As you will have seen in the press release which we sent out to you, the first Raid Canéo Nature will be setting off from Versailles, beginning with the “ride and run”. This will be a superb, prestigious event, and one worthy of the route both for this first stage and for the rest of this exciting competition.
We were delighted with the enthusiasm shown by the Conseil Général des Yvelines (Yvelines District council). This region will certainly astonish you thanks to its outstanding heritage sites and its local environment, both well-known and otherwise. Additionally, the Conseil Général is preparing a warm welcome for you. We will certainly be coming back!
As you can see, the BMW Group France is now a partner of the event. This is something of which we are immensely proud, as it is extremely heartening to see a major brand known for its professionalism in marketing and communication taking a keen interest in our sport. This is also an encouraging sign, as BMW has certainly not chosen to join us by accident. The brand is carrying out remarkable work in the ecological field, particularly in the reduction of the emission and therefore the consumption of CO2. The BMW 118d was recently voted “global ecological car of the year” “Green Car 2008” at the New York show. Additionally, the BMW Group has scooped the first three places at the recent “Monte Carlo clean energy” event.
The race route
In appendix 1 you will find the promised information concerning the race route, which should certainly set your mouth watering. This information will also enable your sponsors to take the necessary steps if they wish to be present in the “partners’ villages” which we will be setting up along the route. We are working with VITABRI who are offering attractive prices for tents in these “villages” where we are expecting both local visitors and holiday makers.
We would like to draw your attention to the fact that there will be several orienteering trials in the strict sense of the term, on foot and by bicycle, organized by our friends at the FFCO, who, as you know, are partners of the event. Special, highly detailed maps will be supplied to you for these stages. Brush up your skills in advance, especially if you have ambitions in the “Extreme” category.
Sea kayaking
You will also be travelling by sea. Consequently, you should ensure that you are equipped with the necessary compulsory equipment for vessels navigating up to 6 nautical miles offshore.
For navigation up to 6 nautical miles offshore, all of the kayaks must be registered with the maritime affairs department and are exempted from displaying external identity markings. The “blue traffic card” issued at the time of registration must be onboard. Vendors certifying kayaks as being suitable for navigation up to 6 nautical miles offshore must be able to supply documents demonstrating this.
If the kayak is not registered, you will need to register it with the maritime affairs department situated closest to the owner’s home. The kayak must conform to various technical characteristics. You will be required to produce this “blue traffic card” during the verification sessions on July 26 and 27.
We have therefore added to the compulsory equipment for the sea kayaking section, which you will find in the attached pre-event requirements for the Raid Canéo Nature in appendix 2.
This can also be downloaded from our website.
Along the race route, your support crews will occasionally need to manage their own bivouacs and possibly yours. We will shortly be providing you with information in order to make your bookings.
For July 26 and 27, the Conseil Général des Yvelines has negotiated an agreement with the Huttopia camping site in Rambouillet whose commitment to “natural” values strongly mirrors our own.
It is at the Huttopia campsite that the organization’s headquarters will be based. It is here that the administrative and technical verification sessions will be held, and the major briefing session to be held on July 26 in the late afternoon will also be based in Rambouillet.
You will be leaving the Huttopia campsite on July 28 at around 7.00 AM for the departure point in Versailles, where the event is scheduled to start at 9.00 AM.
Please see below details of the special prices proposed by Huttopia. Please contact them directly and notify us of your decision.
- €15 / 2 nights/person (1 individual tent brought by the camper) without electricity.
- €10 / 2 outdoor buffet breakfasts (a glass of orange juice + a hot drink + a Viennese pastry and 1/3 of a baguette with butter and jam)
Participants should pay and register at the latest by 31/05/2008:
Huttopia Rambouillet
Route du Château d’Eau
78120 – Rambouillet
tel 33(0)130410734 Fax 33(0)30410017
During June you will be receiving a set of Raid Canéo Nature badges and transfers to be featured on your personal equipment.
These sets are based on six people per team:
- 30 adhesive transfers for “tops” (jackets, t-shirts, etc.)
- 6 sew-on embroidered badges for fleeces
- 14 adhesive transfers for trousers, shorts and leggings
- 8 sew-on embroidered badges for the backpacks
- 4 sew-on embroidered badges for life jackets
The sizes for these markings are described in appendix 3 (attached). You will also find details of the markings, locations and sizes permitted for your partners’ markings.
Raid Canéo Nature stickers for your vehicles and kayaks will be given out to you during the equipment verification sessions on July 26 and 27.
Our partner Quintenas is pleased to offer you a Kover cap. This is made from an innovative fabric providing protection against ticks and mosquitoes. You will be receiving this along with the markings during the month of June.
Good luck! We look forward to seeing you all soon.
Gérard Fusil and the GFC and ADAPNA teams
27 juillet au 9 août 2008
Four competitors including a minimum
1 or 2 people
Walking/orienteering, horse riding (ride & run), mountain biking, bike and run, rollerblading, rope techniques (abseiling…), canyoning, caving, sea kayaking…
Enrolment charges
€900 ex vat per team
Verification sessions
July 26/27 in RAMBOUILLET (Huttopia camp site)
Number of teams
Départements crossed
Yvelines, Essonne, Seine-et-Marne, Yonne, Côte-d’Or, Saône-et-Loire, Rhône, Lozère, Ardèche, Gard, Bouches-du-Rhône.
Extreme, Raider, Adventure
Extreme +/- 1 100 km, Raider +/- 900 km, Aventure +/-800 km.
Ride and run : 80 km in in 2 stages. Mountain biking (including bike and run) : 520 km in 2 stages. Trek and trail (including an orienteering race): 90 km in 5 stages. Caving : 12 km in 3 stages. Canyoning : 12 km. Kayaking : 320 km in 8 stages.
Rollerblading : 30 km in 2 stages.
1/ 12 000 euros, 2/ 8 000 euros, 3/ 5 000 euros
Constant multimedia coverage for the general public
Images produced by GFC
TV broadcasting agreements with terrestrial television
ADAPNA (Association pour le Développement durable des activités de pleine nature – Association for the Sustainable Development of Outdoor Sports)
GFC (Gérard Fusil Consultants)
Press contacts
Gérard Fusil Consultants :
Botergollec – 56400 Brec’h
Tel. : 33 (0) 2 97 57 53 57 Fax : 33 (0) 2 97 57 50 35
E-mail : gfusilcy@aol.com - raidcaneo@aol.com
Press contacts CanéO : AirPur
Sophie Gilibert : tel : 33 (0) 3 81 57 13 29
e-mail : sgilibert@agence-airpur.fr
Tuesday, April 22, 2008
Raid Caneo Nature to start from Versailless, Place D'armes
Departing from the Place d’Armes in Versailles
The 40 teams enrolled for the first Raid Canéo Nature will be setting off from the Place d’Armes in Versailles on July 28 on horseback.
The chosen discipline for the crossing of the Yvelines area will be “ride and run”. Each team comprising four competitors (including at least one woman) will have two riders and two “trailers” to cover this 56 km route taking them out into the heart of an attractive natural environment as they cross the département.
Over the space of 11 days, taking in more than 1000 kilometres on foot, on horseback, by kayak, by rollerblade and by mountain bike crossing mountains and forests, canals, streams and rivers, not forgetting the sea, canyoning, caving, abseiling or via ferrata, these 160 advanced to top-level sportsmen and women will be making their way to Marseilles from Versailles. They will be crossing a France largely unknown or badly known by many of our fellow citizens, including one of the richest and most diverse environments in the world, featuring a wealth of cultural and historical heritage unrivalled anywhere else on earth.
With this in mind, the decision was taken to start the race in Yvelines, an area known for its marvellous historical sites. What many people do not realise however, is that Yvelines is also a valuable “lung” for the Paris region, a splendid natural setting in which virtually all kinds of sports are practiced, with horse riding taking pride of place.
Over above the excellent symbol represented by Versailles, the choice of Yvelines as the starting point for this exciting event will also make it possible to put the spotlight on some less famous and occasionally unknown and unexpected sites just a stone’s throw from the Paris conurbation.
The complete and detailed race route for this first Raid Canéo Nature will be announced shortly before the start date to avoid prior reconnaissance. It will be passing through eleven départements, guaranteed to reveal no shortage of outstanding natural and cultural attractions.
The 160 competitors enrolled for this first event come from very different backgrounds. Some are hardcore veterans of numerous rallies from around the world while others have participated in a small number of the 700 short rallies organized each year in France. All are well trained sportsmen and women, and have carefully prepared for the various disciplines on the event programme. However, to take account of the differing ability levels and to ensure that everyone can get the best from their adventure without exceeding their capacity, at the end of the first stage they will be dividing into three separate categories: “Extreme” for the best trained athletes, “Raider” for competitors with a good level and “Adventure” for those with an excellent physical condition but who have trained less intensively.
The routes differ in length according to the category but all of the participants will be crossing France, making their way to Marseille day and night, with five short pauses to mark the end of each stage. At each changeover of activity, the competitors will be joined by two fellow team members who are not involved in the race but who will be managing the sports equipment and supplies with devotion and efficiency!
Drawn from all sections of society, and aged from 17 to 57 years old, the competitors in this Raid Canéo Nature are shining examples of the new breed of enthusiasts for what is today becoming known as “sustainable sport”. They stand as living examples of forward-looking sporting behaviour, being health conscious, focused, determined to live better, and to put the spotlight on our environment and everything which comprises our culture.
Each year, the Raid Canéo Nature will be covering a new route, revealing France from a new angle as it crosses the country.
DATES July 27 to August 9, 2008
TEAMS Four competitors including a minimum of one woman
SUPPORT CREW 1 or 2 people
Disciplines Walking/orienteering, horse riding (ride & run), mountain biking, bike and run, rollerblading, rope techniques (abseiling…), canyoning, caving, sea kayaking…
Enrolment charges €900 ex vat per team
Verification sessions July 26/27 in RAMBOUILLET (Huttopia camp site)
Number of teams 40
Stages 6
Départements crossed Yvelines, Essonne, Seine-et-Marne, Yonne, Côte d’Or, Saône-et-Loire, Rhône, Lozère, Ardèche, Gard, Bouches-du-Rhône.
Categories Extreme, Raider, Adventure
Distances Extreme +/- 1100 km, Raider +/- 900 km, Adventure +/-800 km.
Ride and run: 80 km in 2 stages. Mountain biking (including bike and run): 520 km in 12 stages. Trek and trail (including an orienteering race): 90 km in 5 stages. Caving: 12 km in 3 stages. Canyoning: 12 km. Kayaking: 320 km in 8 stages.
Rollerblading: 30 km in 2 stages.
Prizes 1/ 12 000 euros, 2/ 8 000 euros, 3/ 5 000 euros
Press Constant multimedia coverage for the general public
Images produced by GFC
TV broadcasting agreements with terrestrial television
Organisation ADAPNA (Association pour le Développement durable des activités de pleine nature – Association for the Sustainable Development of Outdoor Sports)
GFC (Gérard Fusil Consultants)
Contacts press E-mail: gfusilcy@aol.com - raidcaneo@aol.com
Gérard Fusil Consultants: Botergollec – 56400 Brec’h
Tel.: 33 (0) 2 97 57 53 57 Fax: 33 (0) 2 97 57 50 35
Contacts Presse CanéO : AirPur
Sophie Gilibert : tel : 33 (0) 3 81 57 13 29
e-mail : sgilibert@agence-airpur.fr
Sunday, April 06, 2008
Raid Caneo Nature Newsletter
Hello everyone;
A large number of you have now signed up for the Raid Canéo Nature. We would like to take this opportunity to thank you for your enthusiasm and your sense of adventure!
As you can see, this is a new concept as it involves a long trek interspersed with brief pauses and gatherings to avoid it becoming an excessively exhausting race. This is in keeping with our wish to put the focus firmly on "sport for health" and "sustainable sport" through competitions combining sport and nature.
That said, the Raid Canéo Nature is very much in line with the tradition and the ideal that we have always promoted, of total immersion in a natural environment while practising an endurance sport over a lengthy period.
Despite this, we do not wish to see this become a competition reserved only for highly trained athletes. Although they will naturally be racing for victory in the "Extreme" category, the Raid Canéo Nature also enables less able competitors to enjoy their hobby too. For this reason, we have carefully adjusted the route for the three categories: Extreme, Raider and Adventure. The accuracy of the 1/25000th IGN maps employed has certainly facilitated this task for us. And now, here are the details you've all been waiting for: practical information to help you prepare for your participation in the first Raid Canéo Nature.
We should begin by stating that we never cease to find the sheer wealth of resources offered by France for sporting and nature events both rewarding and astonishing. Where sports activities are concerned, as everyone knows, the richness and diversity of our natural environment is renowned the world over. However, we should also add that we are constantly surprised and delighted by the attractive natural or historical sites we come across during our reconnaissance, including villages, canyons, trails, caves and other sites that can only be discovered through nature sports. The event will provide an excellent opportunity for French viewers to discover these sites as they follow your adventures this summer on their television screens and on the Web.
A fabulous route awaits both the teams and the support crews, who will have a chance to discover France as they could never have imagined it. This is an experience they will certainly never forget.
We were amazed by the beauty of these marvellous sites at a time of year when nature was not at its best, during the winter. The cold and the rain followed us right throughout our reconnaissance period. I'll leave you to imagine just how these locations will look during your competition in the middle of the summer.
The race route
The starting point for the competition will be announced officially in mid-April. Be prepared for a (pleasant) surprise. The start will be magnificent, spectacular, prestigious and interesting. The various checks concerning the equipment and techniques required will be carried out on July 26 and 27. The first Raid Canéo Nature will begin on July 28, with the prize-giving on August 9.
The list of départements (regions) through which the route will pass will be given to you on July 26 and 27.
A non-detailed route will be supplied to you in May in order that you or your partners and those of the race organisers can prepare trips and meetings along the route, particularly at the gathering points. We will also be inviting the public to come along and cheer you on at certain points along the route where this is technically possible.
Also in May, we will be supplying you with the list of IGN maps that you will need.
Full details of the route will be supplied to you one week before the event to enable you to prepare your maps
We can already tell you that the distances are as follows:
Ride and Run: 80 km in 2 stages.
Mountain bike: 520 km in 12 stages.
A bike and run route will probably be included.
Walking - Orienteering, including an orienteering race: 90 km in 5 stages.
Caving:12 km in 3 stages.
Canyoning: 12 km.
Kayak: 320 km in 8 stages.
Roller: 30 km in 2 stages.
We have decided not to include the sailing option this year as it is not particularly suited to the route and to the winds forecast by the "pilot charts". On the other hand, it is possible that a new discipline may be announced in the next 30 days. This will not require prior training, although simple technical training is highly recommended. No additional equipment will be needed.
The Extreme route will cover some 1100 km.
The Raider route will be approximately 900 km.
The Adventure route will be 800 km.
The "missing kilometres" for the Raiders and Adventurers will be taken from areas with positive differences in height and will enable struggling teams to keep going until the end. Based on the feedback we have from the teams concerning their experience, this route should enable all of them to reach Marseille during the competition.
The route will include five pauses for gatherings, i.e. six stages. The first competitors should reach Marseille on August 7 or even on August 6 late in the day. The last should arrive on August 8 and at the latest August 9 (the prize-giving date).
Naturally, minor modifications may occur with regard to this description to take account of administrative or other obligations.
Please see attached the documents concerning the various levels required for various disciplines, and the compulsory equipment requirements. Here is some additional information to help you select your equipment.
Sea kayaking
The 320 km of sea kayaking routes will include: - Class 2 streams with a number of class 3 sections- Calm but powerful rivers- Canals, carrying the kayaks through the locks - The sea - Lakes
Both we and our kayaking specialists recommend that you use sea kayaks of the sturdy, lightweight, hiking variety. The DAG brand’s "Biwok" is the best option. Our specialists advise you to avoid using sprint Kayaks, which they consider to be too fragile.
If you wish to obtain these kayaks, there is not a moment to lose. Please refer to our special kayak circular or contact GFC.
Mountain biking
All mountain biking disciplines are welcome. The route will sometimes be backbreaking and at other times perfect for freewheeling. There will be extremely steep slopes to climb and high-speed downhill sprints. There will be very little carrying involved, but lightweight bicycles are nevertheless recommended. Above all, though, the priorities are robustness and an excellent braking system.
Support crews
The support crews will intervene at each change of activity, and always in areas suitable for motor vehicles.The ideal vehicle is a van equipped with roof racks to carry two double kayaks and a mountain bike transportation system. This vehicle should be able to carry the 6 team members in full observance of the highway code (i.e., with 6 seats).During May, the organisers will supply the support crews with information enabling them to prepare their bivouacs and those of the teams at the gathering points. There will be no enclosed secure area.
To be confirmed: a GPS provided free by the IGN and including the road and mapping systems for France at a scale of 100,000. This is the ultimate tool to ensure that you don't miss any of the equipment changeover sessions.
Equipment supplied by the organisers
A GEOPOINTER tracker will be supplied by the organisers. This will show your position at any time with absolute precision, and will prove that you have kept to the specified route.
Insurance and certificates
GFC will shortly be offering you individual accident insurance. You are free to take up this offer or otherwise as you choose, but in both cases you must send us your signed decision.
You must imperatively supply the organisers with a medical certificate dating from during the last three months prior to the start date of the Raid Canéo Nature, demonstrating that you are fit to practise a long-haul multi-sport competition including horse riding, mountain biking, kayaking and rollerblading, etc.
It is vital that you supply us with certificates signed by the state certification/qualification bodies or by professionals for the following disciplines: horse riding, rope techniques, kayaking and topography skills when caving. You should send copies of your certificates to GFC and present the originals during the verifications.
Good luck with your preparations!
Best regards from the GFC team
Gérard FUSIL
- Orienteering using a compass- Use of orienteering maps
- Correct use of personal equipment: harness, helmet, etc.- Installation of a figure of eight descender and safe descent techniques using it- Progressing on hand line - Progressing in autonomy - teams will be autonomous on vertical sections pre-equipped with fixed lines
- Progressing on hand lines- Abseiling on a fixed rope with an autostop caving descender- Crossing a rebelay on the way down- Using handle ascender as “self belay” on short slope or ladder
- Progression in through trip cave with vertical sections already equipped in single rope technique (the descent techniques described above will be used)- Orienteering using a cave survey
- Leaving a stationary position to go back into the current- Paddling across a river- Positioning in an eddy- Negotiating a bend in the river- Mastery of the use of a throw line
HORSE RIDING (RIDE AND RUN) for a minimum of two team members
- Saddling and bridling the horse- Finding the gentlest route and avoid stones- Never trotting or galloping on stones, concrete or tarmac- On uneven ground, knowing when to let the horse stop to regain its breath- Avoiding helping the horse over difficult sections - Crossing rivers - Judging the physical condition of your horse.- Evaluating the importance of an injury- Raising the foot, checking the shoe, using a foot pick- Attaching a horse to a tree with 10 m of rope (or lead)- Repositioning the saddle and blanket- Feeding the horse- Watering the horse
Safety equipment compulsory throughout the competition unless otherwise indicated in the Raid book
Per competitor
• A survival blanket• A storm lighter• A compass• A knife (flick knife or with a safety ring), minimum length of blade: 7 cm• A whistle• A survival mirror• A head lamp• A fleece jacket• A sleeping bag• A waterproof jacket
Per team
• 1 “team” first aid kit compliant with the organisation’s requirements (first aid contents to be indicated by email later)• 1 waterproof flashing stroboscopic lamp• 1 mobile phone with its waterproof bag• A GEOPOINTER beacon supplied by the organisation
Recommended equipment:
• 1 GPS and its waterproof bag
Compulsory equipment:
Per team
• 15 m of dynamic (climbing) rope, minimum diameter 8.5 mm• Two 15 to 25 mm wide tape slings of about 2 m in circumference• Two locking type karabiners • An altimeter
Recommended equipment:
Per competitor
• A hat• Sun block• A pair of gloves• Sunglasses
Compulsory equipment:
Per competitor
• 1 pair of roller (in line) or quad skates• A helmet conforming to EC standards• Protection for knees, elbows and wrists
Recommended equipment:
• Trousers or long shorts in canvas or denim • Gloves
Compulsory equipment:
Per competitor
• 1 mountain bike equipped with functioning lights conforming to normal standards• A helmet conforming to EC standards
Recommended equipment:
Per competitor
• A bike with front suspension fork• V or disk brakes• A pair of gloves• Glasses
Per team
• 1 chain tool• 1 multitool• 2 tyre levers• Inner tubes and puncture patches• Bike rack to carry the bikes on the support team’s cars• 1 pump
Compulsory equipment:
Per competitor
• A helmet (caving or mountaineering) in conformity with EC standards equipped with an electric LED light• A caving seat harness in conformity with recognised standards (professionally made only). The seat harness can be a canyoning type harness.• A 10 mm diameter half-round or Petzl omni lock (or Petzl omni triact) to hold the seat harness front buckles if no system is already in place (tape loops)• An automatic locking descender with fixed pulley for abseiling on single rope (bobbin type : example : Petzl stop type)• A screw-type karabiner to connect the descender to the harness (on the maillon or the front loop)• A braking karabiner; a FREINO karabiner to link the descender to the harness, or mastery of the VERTACO technique, in which case the braking karabiner is not obligatory• A double cowstail of dynamic rope, minimum diameter 8.5 mm. The length of the two ends of the cowstail will be set according to their use in crossing a rebelay during the descent on single rope technique• 2 auto-locking karabiners, to fix at the two ends of the cowstail• A handle ascender
Recommended equipment:
Per competitor
• A pair of gloves
Compulsory equipment:
Per competitor
• 1 helmet conforming to EC standards• 1 seat harness conforming to EC standards (professionally made only)• A figure of eight descender• A locking type karabiner to connect the descender to the harness• A double cowstail of dynamic rope, minimum diameter 8.5 mm• 2 auto-locking karabiners, to put at the ends of the double cowstail• A minimum 5 mm-thick one piece wetsuit or two part wetsuit
Recommended equipment:
Per competitor
• A pair of neoprene socks• Waterproof bags or plastic waterproof drums to protect the various pieces of equipment
Compulsory equipment:
Per competitor
• 1 life vest for sea kayaking conforming to EC standards, with buoyancy corresponding to the person’s weight. Persons weighing between 40 to 60 kg: 55 Newtons; persons weighing over 60 kg: 70 Newtons • 1 PVC or neoprene apron to fit over the weatherboards, for pointed kayaks• 1 pair of closed shoes• 1 stroboscopic waterproof lamp to fix on the life vest (to be lit in the event of capsizing at night) • 1 kayaking helmet conforming to EC standards
Per team
• 2 two-seat sea kayaks (one seat kayak or 4 seat kayak is permitted)
Per kayak
• 4 lightsticks• A 15 m long safety rope • A bailer or hold pump• 1 spare paddle that can be dismantled
Recommended equipment:
Per competitor
• A pair of gloves (mountain bike or cross-country skiing)• Sunglasses• A large-brimmed hat• Neoprene socks
Per team
• Sun block• Map protection (plastic covering or waterproof pocket)• Waterproof bags or drums• Water bottles
Compulsory equipment:
Per competitor• 1 riding hat conforming to EC standardsPer team
• Two 10 m long ropes (500 daN resistance)• A hard brush (wisp), a currycomb, a picker
Recommended equipment:
Per competitor• Mini chaps• Jodhpurs• Gloves
Friday, April 04, 2008
Raid Caneo Nature - Equipment notes from GFC
The 320 km of sea Kayaking will include the following:
Rivers of class 2 with sections Classified 3;
Rivers or rivers calm but fast running;
Channels with locks in requring portages;
Organisers recommendation use sea kayaks, excursion type, solids and light. "Biwok" DAG have rates for the Raid Canéo Nature and are best option. Racing kayaks are not recommended as they are too fragile. If you wish to be equipped with these kayaks, do not waste time. Look at Organisers special offer for kayak or contact directly manufacturing it DAG, a.blin@dag-kayak.co
Mountain Biking
All the disciplines of mountain biking will be required. It will be sometimes smooth or rough. You will be confronted with very steep hilss and very fast descent. There will be little carrying but the light bicycles are always recommended. strong bikes with very good braking.
Support Team
Support teams will help with each change of activity and always in zones suitable for motor vehicles for vehilces with two wheel drive. The ideal vehicle is the van equipped with roof rack, to transport two double kayaks, and of a system of transport of the mountain bikes; this vehicle must be able to transport the six members of the team in the respect of the highway code, therefore six seats. In May, the organization will provide to the logistigs team information making it possible to prepare their bivouacs and the bivouacs of the teams at the points of regroupings.which are Parc Fermee
TO Be Confirmed: a GPS offered by the IGN and including/ the road system and the mapping of France to the 1/100 000e. Ideal to navigate along the route
Geopointer Positioning system will be used to track teams in real time.
Insurance and certificates
GFC will propose an individual accident insurance soon to you accident. It is not compulsory, if not taken up you will need to sign a waiver.
a medical certificate of less than three months (of the date of the Raid Canéo Nature) proving that you are suited to the practice of a test multisport of long duration including/understanding of horsemanship, mountain biking, the kayak, the rollers, etc
It is essential to provide us certificates signed by patents of State or professionals for the following disciplines: horsemanship, rope tecniques, kayak, and mapreading in caving. You must send copy of the certificate to GFC and present the original at the equipment checks.
Good preparation with all, friendships of all the team of GFC.
Gerard Fusil
Thursday, April 03, 2008
Raid Caneo Nature Course
Gerard Fusil has now released more details concerning the Raid Caneo Nature which will traverse France from Paris to Marseilles and is for all levels of adventure racers. Competitors and support teams alike will have time to discover features and sites on their 1,000k journey
The Course
discipline is announced in the next thirty days. It will not require specialist training or extra equipment.
Friday, February 29, 2008
Raid Caneo Nature - Sea Kayaks
Representative in Brittany Antoine BLIN, is pleased to announce the following:-

your premises +, recovery with the arrival of the Natural Raid CanéO (except skirts because various models suggested) 852,84 EURO HT + VAT 19,6% = 1019 EURO Including all taxes Delivery on 15 May or earlier.

Tuesday, February 26, 2008
Raid Caneo Nature Adventure Race -Equipment
Care should be taken on the type of helmet that you use, whilst you can use a combination helmet certified for horseriding, mountaineering biking, rollerblading, and canyoning. If you helmet is damaged as a result of a fall you might not be able to continue, So I would suggest taking a mountain bike helmet for biking and rollerblading and a combination helmet for canyoning and horseriding.
Preliminary Equipment list
IV.1 . Compulsory Security Equipment
All Competitors must have the following equipment with them at all times during the race as laid out below.
Each Competior
· Survival Blanket
· Lighter
· Compass
· Locking knife with a minimum 7cm long blade.
· Whistle
· Survival Mirror
· Headlamp
· Polar Fleece
· Windbreaker water proof and breathable
Per Team
· Team first Aid Kit conforme as specified by organisation.
· Waterproof Strobe light
· Mobile phone able to work in waterproof cover
IV.2. Race Equipment
This equipment varies according to the disciplines. The competitors must have the beginning of each stage, the equipment conforming with the specifications defined on the Raid - Book and to the rules in force in France.
Per team
15 m dynamic rope @ 8,5 mm diameter minimum
2 Slings of 15 @ 25 mm wide and about 2 m in circumference
2 Screwgate Karabiners
Per competitor
1 pair of Roller Blades (single) or Roller Skates (four)
1 Helmet CE-UIAA Certified
Protection : Knees, Elbows and Wrists
Per competitor
1 Mountain Bike
Helmet CE-UIAA Certified
Per competitor
1 Helmet CE-UIAA Certified
1 harness-waterleg standard CE-UIAA (fabrication artisanale forbidden)
1 Figure 8 Decender
A Screwgate Karibiner to attache deender to harness.
A Long double Cowstail in dynamic rope 8,5 mm diameter minimum with two Safety Karibiers, or 2 autolock Karibier,at the ends.
A one piece combination wetsuit 3mm thickness minimum
Per competitor
1 Helmet CE-UIAA Certified
1 Lifejacket CE-UIAA
Per competitor
1 Riding hat or Helmet CE-UIAA approved.
My next post about the Raid Cane Nature Adventure Race will be about race rules.
Wednesday, February 20, 2008
Raid Caneo Nature Disciplines
The Disciplines for the Raid Caneo Nature are Walking / running and orientation, sailing (dinghies), horse riding (ride and run), mountain biking, rollerblading, rope techniques (abseiling), canyoning, sea kayaking, canoeing. Sometimes these will vary between the launch of the race and the actual start, but registred teams will be kept informed. sharp eyed people may have notices that the January Raid Caneo Newsletter talked about having at least one member of your team who knows how to read a potholing map, so there is some caving involved in the
The Skill levels and certification for the Raid Caneo Nature will be advised in April. Some certificates will be required issued by national sporting bodies.
You can get a good idea of the standards required from past races organised by Gerard Fusil, such as The Elf Authentique Adventure, The Reunion D'Adventure and to a lesser extent the Oman Adventure.
Below are my thoughts for the Raid Caneo Nature
Sailing was included in two of Gerard Fusil's races and took place in local boats. The Raid Caneo Nature talks about dinghies so perhaps it will be something the size of a 420 or a Vaurien or a little bigger. At least you will steer with a tiller and rudder rather than a oar. One member of the
team must be able to know how to rig a boat, tack and gybe, reef, recover from a capsize and know the rules of the road. It is helpful if the whole team can understand the basics.
Horse Riding two members of the team need to be able to ride and control a horse, walking, trotting and cantering. You may also be required to know how to saddle and bridal the horse, but I imagine this will be done by the stables. Tactically your slowest runners should be riders, so this could vary depending on which stage(s) of the race ride and run takes place , as the rider might be able to get some rest.
Rollerblading, French roads are certainly better than those in the Philippines where the stage was over 100K and I would not expect anything near this length but be prepared for uphill and downhill gradients. I know in Reunion some teams used skates rather than blades but you will need to check the rules.
Abseiling- Canyoning. Abseiling is a usual skill and Gerard Fusil used to prefer the Petz Stop so you will need to check the gear list. Canyoning levels could be anything from small jumps swims and bouldering to perhaps abseiling down a waterfall(s) have to wait until April to find out.
Sea Kayaking/Canoeing The Talk of turbulent waterways in the January Newsletters make me believe that the start in Paris will be in Sea Kayaks and perhaps the finish of the Raid Caneo Nature into Marseilles will be via the water, however both are quite busy with commercial traffic so we will have to wait a see. Normal Kayak skills including capsize and recovery and rules of the
David Ogden
International Adventurers
Sunday, February 17, 2008
Raid Caneo Nature Logistics Tips
Preparing for an expedition adventure race such as the Raid Caneo Nature, needs careful planning, when you first register you may only have some outline details such as in the case of Raid Caneo Nature
Event Information
Dates 27th July - 9th August 2008
Course Paris - Marseille
Teams Four competitors with a minimum of one woman
Support teams Two people per team
Disciplines Walking / running and orientation, sailing (dinghies), horse riding (ride and run), mountain biking, rollerblading, rope techniques (abseiling), canyoning, sea kayaking,
Registration fee €900 per team
Closing date for registration 31st March 2008 (or before if the limit has been reached)
Maximum number of teams Fifty
Stages Six reassembly points
Bivouacs Located on secure sites
Event activities Event villages for the general public throughout the course.
Press Continuous multimedia coverage aimed at the general public. Image production by GFC. Television broadcasting agreements with a major terrestrial channel.
Organisation GFC (Gérard Fusil Consultants)
ADAPNA (Association pour le Développement durable des Activités de Pleine Nature)
Contacts E-mail : gfusilcy@aol.com and raidcaneo@aol.com
Gérard Fusil Consultants :
Botergollec, 56400, Brec’h, France. Tel. : +33 (0) 2 97 57 53 57. Fax : +33 (0) 2 97 57 50 35 http://authentiqueaventure.com/
You need to consider the logistics, in this case the Caneo Raid Nature which starts in Paris and finishes 700K away in the South of France, how are you going to get to start and return home.
Much depends on where you live and remember you have a lot of equipment to move include two sea kayaks.
For example if you are flying in you can get an open Jaw ticket into Paris and outwards from Marseille, however you will need to hire a support vehicle plus sea kayaks, which will need to be returned to Paris unless other drop off arrangements can be made. An alternative is a round trip air fare to Paris and then at the end of the race the team drive back in the support
This raises the 2nd question what kind of vehicle is best for support. I would recommend a panel van or even a minbus, fitted with a roof rack, the larger the better according to your budget. If you are using a van be aware that passengers are probably not allowed to travel in the back unless in a seat, you can get away with it for short distances but not recommended on Autoroutes.
If you are going to need to hire sea kayaks you may need to search on Google, however be aware that its hard to find a sea kayak in Paris, you may need to contact the organisers of the Raid Caneo Nature for assistance.
David Ogden
Saturday, February 16, 2008
Raid Caneo Nature
Raid Caneo Nature takes place in France from 27th July - 9th of August and is the biggest adventure race of its type to be held in France. The start is on the beach in Paris, yes Paris does have a beach with sand that is built annually along the river Seine for tourist and locals alike to save the travel to the coast. The finish is in the Port of Marseilles in the South of France some 660 Kilometres away as the crow flies.
The Race is the brainchild of Gerard Fusil, the father of adventure racing, with a pedigree stretching from the Raid Gaulloses, Elf Authentique Adventure, Reunion d' Aventure, and the worlds longest annual bike and run race, Oman Adventure. It is fitting that therefore that the competitors in the Raid Caneo Nature, will discover some hidden parts of his home country.
Gerard Fusil's passion is to keep the sport of adventure racing within the reach of ordinary people, competitors who will race to pit themselves against nature and the courses that he sets outs, rather than semi professionals who chase pots of gold.
50 teams of four persons, one of whome must be female will be supported by one of preferably two support persons, who will transport teams equipment between transition points and provide ongoing maintenance, repairs,first aid and encouragement to their team mates.
The route for the raid Caneo Nature between the two cities is being kept secret, but teams will cover around 900 Kilometes during the race. by means of mountain bikes, kayaks, sailing dinghies, horse riding, ropework and of course on foot. There will be dark zones at night so teams will need to be prepared for lightweight camping. Major transition areas will be set up as park fermes, in or around town or villages along the route, and this will give the chance of locals to learn a little about the sport.
If you are intereted in taking part or want more details
Contact David Ogden International Adventurers
201 793 8702 After 6PM EST USA
Friday, January 25, 2008
Raid Caneo Nature January Newsletter
January 2008
Dear Friends,
Enthusiasm for the Raid CanéO Nature is definitely not waning and more teams are registering all the time. Over thirty-five teams have already registered. The teams include GFC race regulars – the French Navy, Lattitude 55, the Fous de Bassin – as well as lots of new competitors who have experience of shorter races but are ready for a big adventure – the Ecole Normale Supérieure – and other teams who take part in numerous races such as Aigle Sybelles, Intersports Liège, Guaranis Brasil, and two female teams.
Amongst other important pieces of news, we have decided to ensure that the top ranking teams can recoup their expenses, following the same principle as for the Raid Gauloises. The winners will therefore receive €12,000 (about $17.500), the second placed team will receive €8,000 (about $11.500) and the third placed team €5,000 (about $7.000).
Even more importantly, so that outdoor sports finally achieve the recognition that they deserve, our media agreements are progressing well and we should soon be able to confirm twice daily TV coverage of this major sporting adventure at peak time on the number one French TV channel. Radio broadcasting agreements with a major broadcaster are also being prepared.
As for the event itself, many of you have been sending us questions. We are not able to provide you with all of the answers before the end of March, but here is some information to help you prepare for the event.
Question from the two CHTI RAID teams: “Could you provide more information about the route and the stage villages for the sponsors?”
Every day a race village/bivouac will be set up close to a town. The village may simply be a place through which the race passes. Villages will also often be transition areas. They will sometimes be a stop-off/regrouping point.
The village/bivouac will offer technical services (race HQ, press centre and TV production centre). They will also be a meeting point for support teams and guests. Finally, villages will be a place for race spectators who will be informed about this by the press and a poster campaign. A presenter will provide information about the progress of the race, and will introduce each team as it goes through.
The race organisers will ensure that large number of spectators come to these lively villages, with activities being organised for children. These villages will be open to team partners in return for a financial contribution that we are currently defining, in order to make the event as attractive as possible for them.
More information about the “villages” will be sent shortly to all the teams that have registered. The stage districts will be unveiled in April.
A question asked by the PSA team and many others: “What levels and certificates are needed for the various activities?”
You will be given specific information at the beginning of April. We will send you forms containing very precise requirements which must be signed by state-certified instructors, and which will broadly certify:
- That you know how to abseil independently.
- That at least one member of your team knows how to read a potholing map.
- That at least two members of your team know how to care for horses.
- That at least one member of your team knows how to sail a dinghy.
Checks may be carried out before the start of the race.
We recommend that:
- At least one member of your team has good orienteering skills.
- That all the members of your team know how to rollerblade and sea kayak.
- That they have all practiced mountain biking and endurance sports.
A question asked by the “Fun Events” team: “What sort of kayak is required? Will there be white water sections?”
A sea kayak is required for the race. You will use it on rivers and maybe at sea. Ideally, each team should have two double kayaks, which should fit on the vehicles’ roof racks. These kayaks need to be suitable for flat water, but easy to handle on turbulent waterways.
If white water sections require other craft, the organisers will provide them.
We strongly recommend that you hire your kayaks so that you can train on the type of craft that you will be using during the race. The sea kayaking sections will be very long.
We are looking at the option of kayak hire with or without the hire company’s assistance for transport.
“Will there be bivouacs during the race stages?”
The stages are non-stop but there will be dark zones which are impassable at night. These need to be incorporated into your race strategy and sometimes offer an opportunity to rest. Consequently, you will need the necessary equipment. Teams can stop and sleep at transition areas. As for the race regrouping bivouacs when the clock will be stopped, teams must stay in the zone reserved for them and their support teams, as stated in the race rules.
“Can sponsor representatives come to the event?”
- Sponsors can come to the villages/bivouacs, and need to request a pass from the organisers to enter the competitors’ paddock.
Céline Pommerel, who “put up with" the Aigle-Sybelles ESF team during Oman Adventure, would like to know:
“Will there be any childcare facilities during the school holidays?”
- We are working on the idea of a “Kids Camp” in order to see if such a service can be provided by a team of staff over the duration of the race. We will let you know about the results of our enquiries and the costs involved very shortly. If you are in this situation, please let us know. Please also be aware that any “Kids Camp” that we do provide will only be open to the over-sixes for legal reasons.
From the Air France team: “How many support staff must each team have?”
On the request of some of the teams, we have reduced the number of compulsory support staff to one. However, we advise each team to have two support staff.
Another question from the vétos: “Are teams allowed to change support staff?”
- Yes, but you must inform the race organisers about your planned change when you register.
The Vétos again: “Local sportspeople can join some of the starts in the stage villages. But who can actually participate?”
- Anyone can take part but they must register first (free of charge). We will provide more information about this.
The vétos are definitely on the ball: “Are the stage towns those indicated in the first presentation?”
- No. You will receive more information in April.
Some questions asked by competitors have demonstrated the need to restate that the entire team takes part in the whole race and that competitor / support team rotations are banned.
Answer to Régine’s question about the intensity of the course: with her background, she should be able to easily compete in one of the three categories.
Regarding distances, precise information will be provided at the beginning of April. The race will be extreme for the extreme category and doable for the other categories – we can promise them that they will push themselves to the limit but in an enjoyable and fun way.
Registrations: those of you who are slightly late sending back your team information sheets or your registration payment need to get into contact with the race organisers very quickly.
Best of luck to you all!
Gérard Fusil and the GFC team