Raid Caneo Nature takes place in France from 27th July - 9th of August and is the biggest adventure race of its type to be held in France. The start is on the beach in Paris, yes Paris does have a beach with sand that is built annually along the river Seine for tourist and locals alike to save the travel to the coast. The finish is in the Port of Marseilles in the South of France some 660 Kilometres away as the crow flies.
The Race is the brainchild of Gerard Fusil, the father of adventure racing, with a pedigree stretching from the Raid Gaulloses, Elf Authentique Adventure, Reunion d' Aventure, and the worlds longest annual bike and run race, Oman Adventure. It is fitting that therefore that the competitors in the Raid Caneo Nature, will discover some hidden parts of his home country.
Gerard Fusil's passion is to keep the sport of adventure racing within the reach of ordinary people, competitors who will race to pit themselves against nature and the courses that he sets outs, rather than semi professionals who chase pots of gold.
50 teams of four persons, one of whome must be female will be supported by one of preferably two support persons, who will transport teams equipment between transition points and provide ongoing maintenance, repairs,first aid and encouragement to their team mates.
The route for the raid Caneo Nature between the two cities is being kept secret, but teams will cover around 900 Kilometes during the race. by means of mountain bikes, kayaks, sailing dinghies, horse riding, ropework and of course on foot. There will be dark zones at night so teams will need to be prepared for lightweight camping. Major transition areas will be set up as park fermes, in or around town or villages along the route, and this will give the chance of locals to learn a little about the sport.
If you are intereted in taking part or want more details
Contact David Ogden International Adventurers
201 793 8702 After 6PM EST USA